
IT Publications

117. D. Pollefeyt, Unrevoked Covenant – Revoked Consensus – Indestructible Love? The Reception of Nostra Aetate 4 in Jewish-Catholic Relations, in D. Bosschaert en J. Leemans (ed.), Res Opportunae Nostrae Aetatis, Studies on the Second Vatican Council offered to Mathijs Lamberigts Leuven, Peeters, 2020, p. 483-498, (Online)

113. D. Pollefeyt, Onherroepelijk in gesprek, Joods-christelijke relaties voorbij Vervanging en Voltooiing, in F. De Ronde, D. Blom, D. Rouges en D. Wielinga, Wat heeft de joods-christelijke dialoog ons gebracht? Ontmoetingen, lessen en perspectieven, Utrecht, Uitgeverij Eburon, 2020, p. 37-44, (Online)

105C. R. Bieringer, P. De Mey, M.S. Ibita & D. Pollefeyt (ed.), Preface, in R. Bieringer, P. De Mey, M.S. Ibita & D. Pollefeyt (ed.), The Spirit, Hermeneutics, and Dialogues (Annua Nuntia Lovaniensis, 76), Leuven, Peeters, 2019, p.vii-xi, (Online)

105B. R. Bieringer, P. De Mey, M.S. Ibita & D. Pollefeyt (ed.), Spirit, Hermeneutics, and Dialogues: Exploring Their Interconnectedness, in R. Bieringer, P. De Mey, M.S. Ibita & D. Pollefeyt (ed.), The Spirit, Hermeneutics, and Dialogues (Annua Nuntia Lovaniensis, 76), Leuven, Peeters, 2019, p. 3-8, (Online)

105A. R. Bieringer, P. De Mey, M.S. Ibita & D. Pollefeyt (ed.), The Spirit, Hermeneutics, and Dialogues, (Annua Nuntia Lovaniensis, 76), Leuven, Peeters, 2019, 233 blz. (Online)

92. D. Pollefeyt, Theology as Ethics: Emmanuel Levinas as Jewish Post-Holocaust Thinker, in M. Zank & I. Anderson (ed.), The Value of the Particular: Lessons from Judaism and the Modern Jewish Experience Leiden, Brill, 2015, p. 322-339, (Online)

84. D. Pollefeyt & P.A. Cunningham, Il Dio Unitrio. Il Logos incarnato e la vita nell' Allenza di Israele, in P. Cunningham, J. Sievers, M.C. Boys, H.H. Henrix & J. Svartvik (ed.), Gesù Cristo e il populo ebraico. Interrogativi per la teologia di oggi, Rome, Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2012, p. 263-287, (Online)

83. D. Pollefeyt & R. Bieringer, Prologue. Wrestling with the Jewish Paul, in D. Pollefeyt & R. Bieringer (ed.), Paul and Judaism. Crosscurrents in Pauline Exegesis and the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations (Library of New Testament Studies 463), London – New York, T&T Clark, 2012, p. 1-14, (Online)

82. D. Pollefeyt & R. Bieringer (ed.), Paul and Judaism. Crosscurrents in Pauline Exegesis and the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations, (Library of New Testament Studies, 463), London – New York, T&T Clark, 2012, 272 blz. (Online)

81. D. Pollefeyt, Repentance, Reconciliation and Relationship: The Silence of Jonah and the Boundaries of Forgiveness: Dialoguing with Adele Reinhartz, in R. Bieringer & D.J. Bolton (ed.), Reconciliation in Interfaith Perspective: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Voices (BETL), Leuven – Walpole, Peeters, 2011, p. 29-38, (Online)

79. P.A. Cunningham & D. Pollefeyt, The Triune One, the Incarnate Logos and Israel's Covenantal Life, in P. Cunningham, J. Sievers, M.C. Boys, H.H. Henrix & J. Svartvik (ed.), Christ Jesus and the Jewish People Today. New Explorations of Theological Interrelations Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2011, p. 183-201, (Online)

77. R. Bieringer, E. Nathan, D. Pollefeyt & P.J. Tomson (ed.), Second Corinthians in the Perspective of Late Second Temple Judaism, (Compendia Rerum Judaicarum ad Novum Testamentum), Leiden, Brill, 2014, 348 blz. (Online)

75. D. Pollefeyt & D. Bolton, Paul, Deicide and the Wrath of God: a Hermeneutical Approach to 1 Thess 2:14-16, in T.G. Casey & J. Taylor (ed.), Paul in His Jewish Matrix, Rome, Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2011, p. 229-257, (Online)

74B. D. Pollefeyt, The Bible in the Ecological Debate: Obstacle or Guide?, in D. Pollefeyt (ed.), Holocaust and Nature. On the Relation between Holocaust Studies and Ecological Issues Münster, LIT, 2013, p. 140-153, (Online)

74A. D. Pollefeyt (ed.), Holocaust and Nature. On the Relation between Holocaust Studies and Ecological Issues, Münster, LIT, 2013, (Online)

73. D. Pollefeyt, Interreligious Dialogue Beyond Absolutism, Relativism and Particularism. A Catholic Approach to Religious Diversity, in J. Roth & L. Grob (ed.), Encountering the Stranger. A Jewish, Christian, Muslim Trialogue Washington, University of Washington Press, 2012, p. 245-259, (Online)

72B. D. Pollefeyt & R. Bieringer, The Role of Biblical and Religious Education Reconsidered. Risks and Challenges in Teaching the Bible, in R. Bieringer & M. Elsbernd (ed.), Normativity of the Future. Reading Biblical and Other Authoritative Texts in an Eschatological Perspective, Leuven-Paris-Walpole (MA), Peeters, 2010, p. 377-402, (Online)

72A. D. Pollefeyt & R. Bieringer, Open to Both Ways…? Anti-Judaism and the Johannine Christology, in R. Bieringer & M. Elsbernd (ed.), Normativity of the Future. Reading Biblical and Other Authoritative Texts in an Eschatological Perspective, Leuven-Paris-Walpole (MA), Peeters, 2010, p. 121-134, (Online)

69C. D. Pollefeyt & M. Moyaert, Israel and the Church: Fulfillment beyond Supersessionism?, in D. Pollefeyt & M. Moyaert (ed.), Never Revoked. "Nostra Aetate" as Ongoing Challenge for Jewish-Christian Dialogue (Louvain Theological & Pastoral Monographs, 40), Leuven-Parijs-Walpole (MA), Peeters; Grand Rapids (MI)-Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2010, p. 159-183, (Online)

69B. D. Pollefeyt & M. Moyaert, Introduction. The Covenant never Revoked: Remembering the Conciliar Courage to Dialogue, in D. Pollefeyt & M. Moyaert (ed.), Never Revoked. "Nostra Aetate" as Ongoing Challenge for Jewish-Christian Dialogue (Louvain Theological & Pastoral Monographs, 40), Leuven-Parijs Walpole (MA), Peeters; Grand Rapids (MI)-Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2010, p. 1-12, (Online)

69A. D. Pollefeyt & M. Moyaert (ed.), Never Revoked. "Nostra Aetate" as Ongoing Challenge Jewish-Christian Dialogue, (Louvain Theological & Pastoral Monographs, 40), Leuven-Parijs-Walpole (MA), Peeters; Grand Rapids (MI)-Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2010, 186 blz. (Online)

67B. R. Bieringer, F. García Martínez, D. Pollefeyt & P.J. Tomson, Introduction, in R. Bieringer, F. García Martínez, D. Pollefeyt & P.J. Tomson (ed.), The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 136), Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2010, p. vii-xxiv, (Online)

67A. R. Bieringer, F. García Martínez, D. Pollefeyt & P.J. Tomson (ed.), The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature, (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 136), Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2010, 544 blz. (Online)

61. M. Moyaert & D. Pollefeyt, De kerk en de Joden: Onoplosbare paradox of onvoltooid verhaal?, in Tijdschrift voor theologie 48(4) (2008), p. 389-402, (Online)

59B. D. Pollefeyt, Response by Didier Pollefeyt, in J.K. Roth & L. Grob (ed.), Anguished Hope: Holocaust Scholars Confront the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2008, p. 148-153, (Online)

59A. D. Pollefeyt, Between a Dangerous Memory and a Memory in Danger. The Israeli Palestinian Struggle from a Christian Post-Holocaust Perspective, in J.K. Roth & L. Grob (ed.), Anguished Hope: Holocaust Scholars Confront the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Grand Rapids (MI), Eerdmans, 2008, 135-146, (Online)

57. D. Delmaire & D. Pollefeyt (ed.), La pensée juive contemporaine, Genève, Editions Parole et Silence, 2008, 262 blz., met inleiding op p. 7-11, (Online)

53. D. Pollefeyt, The Church and the Jews: Unsolvable Paradox or Unfinished Story?, in N. Lamdan & A. Melloni (ed.), Nostra Aetate: Origins, Promulgation, Impact on Jewish-Christian Relations (Christianity and History. Series of the John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies in Bologna, 5), Berlin, LIT verlag, 2007, p. 131-144, (Online)

42C. R. Bieringer & D. Pollefeyt, Son of God, in E. Kessler & N. Wenborn (ed.), A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 407, (Online)

42B. R. Bieringer & D. Pollefeyt, Son of man, in E. Kessler & N. Wenborn (ed.), A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 407-408, (Online)

42A. D. Pollefeyt & R. Bieringer, Hoi Ioudaioi, in E. Kessler & N. Wenborn (ed.), A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 188-189, (Online)

38. R. Bieringer & D. Pollefeyt, Open to Both Ways...? Johannine Perspectives on Judaism in the Light of Jewish-Christian Dialogue, in M. Labahn & K. Scholtissek & A. Strotmann (ed.), Israel und seine Heilstraditionen im vierten Evangelium. Festschrift für Johannes Beutler SJ zum 70. Geburtstag, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2004, p. 11-32, (Online)

30. D. Pollefeyt & M. Moyaert, Interreligieuze dialoog en/als toekomst van de theologie, in Tijdschrift voor theologie 42(4) (2002), p. 348-354, (Online)

28B. R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt & F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville, Wrestling with Johannine Anti-Judaism: A Hermeneutical Framework for the Analysis of the Current Debate, in R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt & F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville (ed.), Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel Louisville, Westminster John Knox, 2001, p. 3-37, (Online)

28A. R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt & F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville (ed.), Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel, Louisville, Westminster John Knox, 2001. (= R. Bieringer & D. Pollefeyt & F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville (ed.), Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel. Papers of the Leuven Colloquium, 2000 (Jewish and Christian Heritage Series, 1), Assen, Royal Van Gorcum, 2001, 612 blz.).

26. D. Pollefeyt, Eglise et synagogue après la Shoah. De la substitution à la réconciliation et la coopération, in Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique 95(3) (2000), p. 570-594, (Online)

19C. D. Pollefeyt, Jews and Christians after Auschwitz: From Substitution to Interreligious Dialogue, in D. Pollefeyt (ed.), Jews and Christians: Rivals or Partners for the Kingdom of God? In Search of An Alternative for the Christian Theology of Substitution (Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs, 21), Leuven, Peeters, 1998, p. 10-37, (Online)

19B. D. Pollefeyt, Introduction: in Search of an Alternative for the Theology of Substitution, in D. Pollefeyt (ed.), Jews and Christians: Rivals or Partners for the Kingdom of God? In Search of An Alternative for the Christian Theology of Substitution Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs, 21, Leuven, Peeters, 1998, p. 1-9 (Review in Sidic 33(1) (2000) 28-29), (Online)

19A. D. Pollefeyt, Jews and Christians: Rivals or Partners for the Kingdom of God? In Search of An Alternative for the Christian Theology of Substitution, in Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs 21, 1998, Leuven, Peeters, 143 blz. (Online)

17. D. Pollefeyt, Jewish-Christian Relations after Auschwitz: A Catholic Perspective, in N. Pecherskaya (ed.), Theology after Auschwitz and Its Correlation with Theology after the Gulag. Consequences and Conclusions St. Petersburg, The St. Peterburg School of Religion and Philosophy, 1999, p. 93-110, (Online)

7. D. Pollefeyt, Jewish and Christian Theology Confronting the Holocaust. Theological Perspectives on the Evil of Auschwitz (Workshop: The Holocaust and Its Impact on Philosophy and Theology 119, IV), in F. Brinkhuis & S. Talmor (ed.), Memory, History and Critique. European Identity at the Millenium. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Society for the Study of European Ideas at the University for Humanist Studies U.S.A., MIT-Press, Utrecht, University of Humanist Studies, 1997, p. IV/119, (Online)

2. D. Pollefeyt, De bijbel in het ecologisch debat: hinder­paal of wegwijzer? Een lezing van de joodse traditie in het spoor van Catherine Chalier, in Ter herkenning. Tijdschrift voor christenen en joden 22(3)(1994), p. 168-180, (Online)

AT Publications

139. D. Pollefeyt & P.A. Cunningham, Il Dio Unitrino, il Logos incarnato e la vita nell’Alleanza di Israele, in Gesù Cristo E Il Popolo Ebraico: Interrogativi Per La Teologia Di Oggi, Rome, GBP - Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2012, p. 263-285, 26 blz. (Online)

137. D. Pollefeyt, Niet het verleden veranderen, maar de toekomst openen, in Tijdschrift voor Geestelijk Leven 75(3) (2019), p. 15-24, (Online)

47. D. Pollefeyt, L'enseignement religieux, l'enseignement éthique et l'holocauste, in SIDIC. Service International de Documentation Judéo-Chrétienne 33(2) (2000), p. 17-20, (Online)

44. D. Pollefeyt, Kwaad en verzoening. Een christelijk-ethische analyse in het licht van Auschwitz, in B. Raeymakers & A. Van De Putte (ed.), Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw, Leuven, Universitaire Pers Leuven & Davidsfonds, 1999, p. 109-133, (Online)

43. D. Pollefeyt, Interreligieuze ontmoeting als uitdaging aan het christelijk zelfverstaan, in J. Haers, R. Michiels, T. Merrigan & P. De Mey (ed.), Volk van God en gemeenschap van de gelovigen: pleidooien voor een zorgzame kerkopbouw. Aangeboden aan prof. Robrecht Michiels bij zijn emeritaat Averbode, Altiora, 1999, p. 596-616, (Online)

41. D. Pollefeyt, Ontwikkeling van een victimologie van de Shoah, in P. Tomson (ed.), Persister à vivre après la Shoah. L'intégration existentielle des catastrophes dans l'histoire juive (Verslagboek wetenschappelijke studiedag van het Institutum Iudaicum. Interuniversitair centrum voor de studie van het jodendom, 12 november 1997), Brussel, Universitaire Faculteit voor Protestantse Godgeleerdheid, 1998, p. 103-121, (Online)

40. D. Pollefeyt, Met je geweten tussen twee stoelen. Ethische reflecties bij de kwestie Israel-Palestina, in De Brug 8(28) (1998), p. 36-37, (Online)

38. R. Burggraeve, & D. Pollefeyt, Ethiek als intimiteit met God? Christelijke ethiek in gesprek met joodse denkers, in (Verkenning & Bezinning. Een reeks geschriften over de verhouding van de Kerk en het Joodse Volk), Kampen, Kok, 1998, 136 blz. (Online)

20. M. Ellis & D. Pollefeyt, Rabin's Tainted Greatness. Een joodse visie op de moord op Rabin, in Ethische perspectieven 6(1) (1996), p. 21-27, (Online)

8. D. Pollefeyt & L. Anckaert, Tussen verwondering en trau­ma. Rosen­zweig, Levinas en Fackenheim: een joods-filoso­fisch perspec­tief, in B. Raymaekers (ed.), Gehelen en frag­men­ten. De vele ge­zichten van de filosofie Leu­ven, 1993, p. 159-164, (Online)

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